I'm working on a stereoscopy application in C++ and OpenGL (for medical image visualization). From what I understand, the technology was quite big news about 10 years ago but it seems to have died down since. Now, many companies seem to be investing in the technology... Including nVidia it would seem.
Stereoscopy is also known as "3D Stereo", primarily by nVidia (I think).
Does anyone see stereoscopy as a major technology in terms of how we visualize things? I'm talking in both a recreational and professional capacity.
With nVidia's 3D kit you don't need to "make a stereoscopy application", drivers and video card take care of that. 10 years ago there was good quality stereoscopy with polarized glasses and extremely expensive monitors and low quality stereoscopy with red/cyan glasses. What you have now is both cheap and good quality. Right now all you need is 120Hz LCD, entry level graphics card and $100 shutter glasses.
So no doubt about it, it will be the next big thing. At least in entertainment.