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What purpose does spread syntax inside an object literal ({...object}) serve?

I have read the answer on I don't understand about spread syntax inside objects but still don't quite understand the purpose of using (specifically) {...object}.

What purpose does {...object} serve?

I have tested this in the node REPL, say I made an object:

> const object = { foo: "hello", bar: "world" };

And use the spread operator inside a new object literal to refer to it:

> { ...object }
{ foo: 'hello', bar: 'world' }

The output is the same as just using the object itself:

> object
{ foo: 'hello', bar: 'world' }

What purpose does {...object} serve?


  • It's not the same object. It makes a shallow copy of the object's own, enumerable properties (like Object.assign({}, object) (MDN). You use it when you want...a copy, with the object's own, enumerable properties. :-D

    For example, with any of several MVC or similar libraries, you might use it when updating state, since state shouldn't be modified directly:

    this.setState(oldState => ({...oldState, prop: "new value"}));