I'd like to add a the text ;12345
in a csv file to every row that contains DE123456789
in the column VAT Number
header1; header2; header3; header4; header5; VAT Number; header7; Kundennummer
AB; 12345; AB123456789; 10.03.2021; GT; DE123456789; EUR
CD; 456789; 22.24; Text; SW;
AB; 12345; AB123456789; 10.03.2021; GT; DE123456789; EUR
My desired saved file would be
header1; header2; header3; header4; header5; VAT Number; header7; Kundennummer
AB; 12345; AB123456789; 10.03.2021; GT; DE123456789; EUR; 12345
CD; 456789; 22.24; Text; SW;
AB; 12345; AB123456789; 10.03.2021; GT; DE123456789; EUR; 12345
My attempt was like this:
$File = 'S:\Test\test.csv'
$Check = (Import-Csv $File)."VAT Number" | ForEach-Object {
if ($Check -Contains "DE123456789") {
Select-Object @{Name='Kundennummer';Expression={'12345'}} |
Export-Csv $File -NoTypeInformation
but there's nothing happening to the file at all.
I've found this code in a forum where a similar question has been asked. There was no feedback though.
Ok, since you have provided enough headers to the file, this could work for you:
$csv = Import-Csv -Path 'D:\Test\TheInputFile.csv' -Delimiter ';'
# get an array of the column headers
$allHeaders = $csv[0].PsObject.Properties.Name
$data = foreach ($item in $csv) {
if ($item.'VAT Number' -eq 'DE123456789') { $item.Kundennummer = 12345 }
# output a new object making sure all fields are present (allbeit some will remain empty)
$item | Select-Object $allHeaders
$data | Export-Csv -Path 'D:\Test\TheNewFile.csv' -Delimiter ';' -NoTypeInformation