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How to install Domains (port of CUIS Mathematics) in Pharo?

In a past question, Is there a CAS for Pharo?, I asked about a Computer Algebra System for Pharo, and people pointed to Domains, a port of Mathematics from CUIS smalltalk, that is part of PolyMath project. I suceeded installing PolyMath in Pharo 8, running the following code in the playground, as adviced in

Metacello new
        repository: 'github://PolyMathOrg/PolyMath:v1.0.2';
        baseline: 'PolyMath';

The problem is, it appears Domains is not installed by default with PolyMath, as I didn't find the corresponding classes in the class browser, and the Domains subpage has no similar instructions on installation.

EDIT (March 2, 2021): I tried to follow the sugestion of EstebanLM, and load from iceberg, having PolyMath installed beforehand. But I only see the following packages in the iceberg screen:

enter image description here


  • It is in a separate github repo (PolyMathOrg/Domains), without a baseline. So you need to just clone the repo from github in Iceberg, and then load the packages in the right order from hand. Iceberg will complain if you try to load a package with unloaded dependencies (Mathematics-Kernel is a good starting point), and you can just reload after loading the missing dependency.

    If you note down the needed loading order, you can provide a PR with a baseline