I´m trying to make this kind of chart of Covid cases and moving averages using Stata. I tried using graph bar
but it plots densities. I want to make a plot against time with this kind of vertical lines. This is the plot I´m trying to make:
Data for any country:
To create this kind of plot you can easily use the twoway
command. This command allows you to combine an arbitrary number of different graphs. You are looking to combine a bar graph with a line graph. For example, the new cases plot for Great Britain can be created as follows:
import owid-covid-data.csv
keep if iso_code=="GBR"
keep date new_cases
gen date2 = date(date, "YMD")
format date2 %td
tsset date2 // Set data to time series format
tssmooth ma ma7=new_cases, window(6 1 0) // create the 7 day moving-average
twoway (bar new_cases date2) (line ma7 date2)