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Create private dblink from another user

I have the following situation:

  • ADMIN_USER - privileged user that can execute whatever he wants and also we use it to deploy scripts to different envs
  • REGULAR_USER - just a regular schema that holds executable code

I want to create private dblink for REGULAR_USER under ADMIN_USER (while deploying my scripts).


  1. Can I achieve this?
  2. If so then what privileges should I give to REGULAR_USER/what actions should I do?

Oracle version is 11gR2


  • Privileged users can indirectly create database links for other users. The privileged user must temporarily grant the regular user CREATE DATABASE LINK, create a temporary procedure in the regular user's schema that will create the database link, execute that procedure, and then drop the temporary procedure and privilege.

    create user regular_user identified by regular_user;
    grant create session to regular_user;
    grant create database link to regular_user;
    create or replace procedure regular_user.create_db_link is
        execute immediate
            create database link test_link
            connect to regular_user
            identified by "regular_user"
            using 'orcl'
    drop procedure regular_user.create_db_link;
    revoke create database link from regular_user;