I'm in the process of learning GetX state management and stumble upon the DropdownButton widget. How do I update the selected value with the selected value cannot be observed. Here is my DropdownButton widget
hint: Text(
'Book Type',
onChanged: (newValue) {
value: selectedType,
items: bookController.listType.map((selectedType) {
return DropdownMenuItem(
child: new Text(
value: selectedType,
var selectedType;
declared in the widget build. I tried to make this variable observable but the layout throws an overflow error. I also wrap the widget with obx but still, it throws the same error. How do exactly this widget implement using GetX. I'm pulling my hair here. I can work with other widgets with getX.
First create your controller class.
class BookController extends GetxController {
// It is mandatory initialize with one value from listType
final selected = "some book type".obs;
void setSelected(String value){
selected.value = value;
On the view, instantiate your Controller and wrap the DropdownButton with an Obx widget:
BookController bookcontroller = BookController();
Obx( () => DropdownButton(
hint: Text(
'Book Type',
onChanged: (newValue) {
value: bookController.selected.value,
items: bookController.listType.map((selectedType) {
return DropdownMenuItem(
child: new Text(
value: selectedType,