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Laravel relationship with additional where statement

I know I can define a relationship by

Class Users extends Model{
   function profile(){
      return $this->hasOne(Profile::Class);

is there a way like adding extra query to the relationship like other than foreign key and local key that is available to define, I want to only get those records of Profile model that field active contains a value of 1. Profile model has a field named active. Any help, ideas is greatly appreciated, thank you in advance.


  • you can simply try

    return $this->hasOne(Profile::Class)->where('active', 1);

    but better approach will be using Scope like this.

    1. create a folder app/Scopes and add a new file ActiveUserOnly.php

    2. place this code there

      namespace App\Scopes;
      use \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
      use \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Scope;
      use \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
      class ActiveUsersOnly implements Scope {
           * @inheritdoc
           * @param Builder $builder
           * @param Model $model
           * @return Builder|void
          public function apply( Builder $builder, Model $model ) {
              return $builder->where( 'active', '=', true );
    3. add this code to the top of Profile model.

       use App\Scopes\ActiveProfilesOnly;

    add this code in your Profile model.

        protected static function boot() {
            static::addGlobalScope( new ActiveProfilesOnly() );
    1. then this code will work in your User model.

       Class Users extends Model{
          function profile(){
             return $this->hasOne(Profile::Class);