I have a Spring gateway microservices with this mapping:
- id: advertisementService4
uri: lb://advertisementService
- Path=/public/breeds/**
- RewritePath=/public/breeds/(?<segment>/?.*), /v1/public/breeds/$\{segment}
If I make a call with Postman to this url:, the gateWay service solves the mapping and build the new url in the correct way (to /v1/public/breeds/500):
But if I call to this url, the gateWay service chooses the correct mapping, but it builds the url in a incorrect way:
The gateWay service builds http://7a32a826ec7a:8070/public/breeds?petType=Dog instead of http://7a32a826ec7a:8070/v1/public/breeds?petType=Dog (with v1 in the URL)
I don't understand why. Could you help me please?
I fixed it changing the RewritePath:
from RewritePath=/public/breeds/(?/?.), /v1/public/breeds/${segment}
to RewritePath=/(?/?.), /v1/${segment}