I'm trying to create a feature for my discord.py bot that would send command names that are similar to what the user has used as a command when what they have typed in is incorrect. For example, a command called .slap
exists. But the user enters .slp
or something similar.
I want the bot to respond with the most similar command(s) which in this case is gonna be .slap
. I'm a beginner still so I have no idea how to do this. I discovered about a lib called fuzzywuzzy
and Levenshtein distance
and I have no idea how to use them for my bot.
Any help would be highly appreciated! Thanks
First of all, fuzzymatching commands and executing what it thinks is right, is not a great thing to add to your bot. It adds a point of failure, which can be pretty frustrating for the user regardless.
However, if you suggest a list of possible commands, it would probably work a lot better.
FuzzyWuzzy is a great tool for this.
The documentations for it are extremely helpful, so I really don't think you would have an issue if you actually read them.
My 2 cents for implementing would be (in pythonian pesudocode)
# user had input an invalid command
invalid_command = #userinput
command_list = [#list of your commands]
fuzzy_ratios = []
for command in command_list:
ratio = fuzzywuzzy.ratio(invalid_command, command)
max_ratio_index = fuzzy_ratios.index(max(fuzzy_ratios))
fuzzy_matched = command_list[max_ratio_index]
return f"did you mean {fuzzy_matched}?"
Please try to implement and think why you need to implement it.
You need to actually try to implement yourself, or you will never learn.