I am using Flask for my webservice and when I try to access the following url,3/5,6
I receive the following error:
return self.view_functions[rule.endpoint](**req.view_args)
TypeError: getDistance() got an unexpected keyword argument 'startCoord'
How can I fix this error?
@app.route("/<string:startCoord>/<string:endCoord>",methods=['GET'] )
def getDistance():
startLat, startLng = startCoord.split(',')
end1Lat, endLng = endCoord.split(',')
print("/api.openrouteservice.org/v2/directions/driving-car?api_key=" + config['EndPoint']['api_key'] + "&start=" + startLat + "," + startLng + "&end=" + end1Lat + "," + endLng)
<Section: API_KEY>
You are meant to define your route like this:
@app.route("/<string:startCoord>/<string:endCoord>",methods=['GET'] )
def getDistance(startCoord, endCoord):
startLat, startLng = startCoord.split(',')
end1Lat, endLng = endCoord.split(',')