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Azure DevOps : YAML continuation trigger starting some pipelines and not others - how to investigate this issue?

I have four YAML "release" pipelines where I use the same YAML syntax to define a continuation trigger. Here is the YAML definition for the trigger.

  - pipeline: Build  # Name of the pipeline resource
    source: BuildPipeline  # Name of the pipeline as registered with Azure DevOps
    trigger: true

Not really sure about this syntax where I don't specify any branch but everything was working fine till recently. More recently I updated two of the YAML release pipelines and they now are not getting triggered when the build pipeline completes. All pipelines if executed manually work fine.

All release pipelines have the same YAML for the continuation trigger definition (see above) and have the same branch set for "Default branch for manual and scheduled builds".

I don't know how to investigate why some of the release pipelines are not triggered (any log available somewhere?) and I don't see them executed and failing, they simply are not being triggered. How do I investigate this issue?


  • I believe I found the issue and it's the removal of the following statements from my deploy pipelines

      vmImage: windows-2019

    I removed these statements because I transformed all jobs into deployment jobs as follows

    - deployment: MyDeployJob
      displayName: 'bla bla bla'
        name: ${{ parameters.AzureDevopsEnv }}
        resourceType: VirtualMachine
        resourceName: ${{ parameters.AzureDevopsVM }}

    The pipelines with no pool statement run perfectly well if started manually but I'm convinced fail at being triggered if started via the pipeline completion trigger. I do not understand this behavior but I placed the pool statement back in all deploy pipelines and all are now getting triggered as the build pipeline completes.