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Flutter. GoogleMap. I need to find LatLngBounds from a list of LatLng(latitude, longitude) on screen?

I am using this package: [google_maps_flutter: ^2.0.1][1]

And i have this list of LatLng:

List<LatLng> _list = [
  LatLng(, PointA.lng), // Point A
  LatLng(, PointB.lng), // Point B
  LatLng(, PointC.lng), // Point C
  LatLng(, PointD.lng), // Point D

I need a CameraPosition which contains all this Points:

  final _cameraPosition = CameraUpdate.newLatLngBounds(
      southwest: LatLng(,southwestPoint.lng), // southwest Point
      northeast: LatLng(,northeastPoint.lng)  // northeast Point
      ), padding);

Graphically demonstrating enter image description here


  • You can use LatLngBounds.extend:

    var bounds = LatLngBounds();
    for (var latlng in _list) bounds.extend(latlng);

    Edit: this code works with the google_maps package but the LatLng in google_maps_flutter doesn't expose this method.

    A simple solution is to compute the max/min of lat/lng:

    LatLngBounds computeBounds(List<LatLng> list) {
      var firstLatLng = list.first;
      var s = firstLatLng.latitude,
          n = firstLatLng.latitude,
          w = firstLatLng.longitude,
          e = firstLatLng.longitude;
      for (var i = 1; i < list.length; i++) {
        var latlng = list[i];
        s = min(s, latlng.latitude);
        n = max(n, latlng.latitude);
        w = min(w, latlng.longitude);
        e = max(e, latlng.longitude);
      return LatLngBounds(southwest: LatLng(s, w), northeast: LatLng(n, e));