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Can't pull a microsoft's docker container

I tried pulling a docker container from microsoft's containers registry.

I got the powershell commands from:

These are it:

$artifactUrl = Get-BcArtifactUrl -type sandbox -country us -select latest

New-BCContainer -accept_eula -containerName test -artifactUrl $artifactUrl

This is the error message that I get:

Error I get

Does anyone know why this is not working? I've done this like 2 months ago and I got no errors. I appretiate any help, and sorry if this is simple or was already asked before, I'm new with containers and powershell commands and I searched for similar problems with no luck.


  • You are still running NavContainerHelper, which has been deprecated (as described here).

    You need to switch to BcContainerHelper.

    As described in the link above the process for switching is as follows:

    1. Remove all containers (Get-NavContainers | Remove-NavContainer)
    2. Uninstall all versions of NavContainerHelper (UnInstall-Module NavContainerHelper -allversions)
    3. Restart PowerShell and check that NavContainerHelper is gone (else repeat step 2)
    4. Reset Docker to factory settings (to remove all images)
    5. Remove c:\ProgramData\NavContainerHelper
    6. Install BcContainerHelper (Install-Module BcContainerHelper -force)