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Qpython OL: type org.json.JSONArray cannot be converted to JSONObject in makeIntent()

I am trying to make an intent using androidhelper in Qpython OL with the code below:

action = "org.escpos.intent.action.PRINT"
packagename =  "com.loopedlabs.escposprintservice" #  target application
data = data # convert data to PDF byte array format
extras = {
        'PDF_DATA' : data # raw PDF data
intent = droid.makeIntent( # make an intent
    action = action,
    packagename = packagename,
    extras = extras

But I am having the following Error:

org.json.JSONException: Value [2,{"extras":{"DATA_TYPE":"PDF","PDF_DATA":"4"},"categories":null,"action":"org.escpos.intent.action.PRINT","flags":268435456},null] at 0 of type org.json.JSONArray cannot be converted to JSONObject

Additionally, I did not find any working example of android.makeIntent(). Could somebody help, please?


  • I think something went wrong in extras. What's your data? Are you sure it can be called in this way?

    Here's a working makeIntent example. This works on my phone:

    from androidhelper import Android
    droid = Android()
    uri2open = ""
    intent2start = droid.makeIntent("android.intent.action.VIEW", uri2open, "text/html", None, [u"android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"], None, None, None)