In the great R-exams package can specify the numerical answers width in cloze questions with \exextra[numwidth,logical]{TRUE}
I want create exams with mixed type cloze, for example num|num|string
(solve an equation and don't know how many solutions exist - if less than three, the latest answers should be -
). In this case the answers fields appear like this:
The students know the last answer is string because this input box is smaller than other. How can all input boxes be equal width?
(I want import the output into Moodle so this question maybe exams2moodle()
This is a blind question text.
$x_1=$ & ##ANSWER1## \\
$x_2=$ & ##ANSWER2## \\
$x_3=$ & ##ANSWER3## \\
Build the XML:
Starting from version 2.4-0 you can specify both numwidth
and stringwidth
in terms of the same character
that is used to determine the width of the box, e.g.,