I have been trying to come up with a funtion were given a int it would modify a bit at a given position using bitwise operations:
For example:
modify_bit(int, pos)
modify_bit(0b10000, 1) should return 0b11000
Or modify_bit(0b10000, 6) should return 0b100001
I have done research but have not found any funtions that modify a bit at a given position in a bitboard from left to right were instead all the funtions that I have found that might be what I am looking for modify a bit from the postions right to left.
Thanks in advance!
This is a very unusual thing to want to do. Are you sure this is the spec? You don't normal want to extend a sequence of bits like this. However, this does what you ask:
def setbit( val, pos ):
bits = len(bin(val))-2
if pos >= bits:
val <<= (pos-bits)
bits = pos + 1
val |= 1 << (bits - pos - 1)
return val
def clrbit( val, pos ):
bits = len(bin(val))-2
if pos >= bits:
val <<= (pos-bits)
bits = pos + 1
val &= ~(1 << (bits - pos - 1))
return val
print( bin(setbit( 0b10000, 1 )))
print( bin(setbit( 0b10000, 6 )))