i need to use search transparent image on screen. i tried some librarys. but those are not working as my want.
help me. how i can done this enter code here
#include "ImageSearch2015.au3"
#include <Date.au3>
Global $x = 0
Global $y = 0
Func hey()
$balikcisaniye = _Date_Time_GetTickCount()
$array = _ImageSearchArea("bul.bmp", 1, 0, 0, @DesktopWidth/2, @DesktopHeight/2, $x, $y, 2,0x000000)
if($array = True) Then
$balikcisaniye1 = _Date_Time_GetTickCount()
MsgBox(1,"","Found." & $x & "-" & $y & " / " & $balikcisaniye1-$balikcisaniye)
MsgBox(1,"","Not Found.")
Func heyo()
while 1
the library used on this script : (KutayAltinoklu)
Ok, I tested it and found a bug in UDF. It cannot work as it is.
(or whatever you renamed it to)if $transparency <> 0
(line# 137 of unmodified ImageSearch2015.au3
)if IsString($transparency)
it should now work as described belowIt appears that the UDF uses ImageSearch DLL from AutoHotkey. This is its documentation.
If that is true then the linked UDF's documentation is wrong/incomplete.
Here is what AHK's documentation says:
This option makes it easier to find a match by specifying one color within the image that will match any color on the screen. It is most commonly used to find PNG, GIF, and TIF files that have some transparent areas (however, icons do not need this option because their transparency is automatically supported). For GIF files,
might be most likely to work. For PNG and TIF files,TransBlack
might be best. Otherwise, specify some other color name or RGB value
BMP does not support built-in transparent color but that should be fine - you just need to designate any one color as transparent - that color will be ignored
I've read the docs and UDF source and it seems that this is what should be passed as transparency parameter:
if transparent color is black (000000
) or"TransWhite"
if transparent color is white (FFFFFF
) or"Trans224466"
otherwise - where 224466
is string HEX of color designated as transparent
"Trans" & hex(0x998877, 6)
where 0x998877 is the colorFor example if your image bul.bmp
has a picture drawn upon background color #808080
(50% grey). So if you call the function like this:
$array = _ImageSearchArea("bul.bmp", 1, 0, 0, @DesktopWidth/2, @DesktopHeight/2, $x, $y, 2, "Trans808080")
...all background (50% grey) pixels of bul.bmp
should match any colors on screen, that is - those pixels will be ignored.
That is, if bul.bmp
is just a solid 50% grey rectangle with no other color, the function will always match. If it has one non-gray pixel at any position, it will match if screen contains a pixel of that color, etc.