Search code examples

Using multiple and interdepended CROSS-APPLY across multiple tables

How can I use either CROSS APPLY (or INNER JOIN) to get data from one table based on the values in other tables?

I.e. I have the following tables:

Table Descriptions:

ProdID Description TrackNum
361 Test 1 499
388 Test 2 003
004 5599
238 Test 3 499
361 Test 10 555
004 Test 40 555

Table Products:

ProdID ProductName Price
361 P1 5.00
388 P2 5.00
004 P3 12.00
238 P4 6.00
515 P5 7.00
636 P6 7.00
775 P7 7.00
858 P8 8.00

Table Invoices:

ProdID TrackNum InvoiceID
361 499 718
388 199 718
004 499 718
238 499 718
361 555 333
004 555 444
361 111 444
388 222 333
616 116 565
717 116 565
361 003 221
388 003 221
004 5599 728

What I need my query to do is to:

  1. Go into Invoices table first, and get only records that matches specified InvoiceID and TrackNum;
  2. Then go into Products table and get only rows that have matches on ProdID between the data I pulled out in Step #1 and the data existis in the Products table.
  3. Then finally get all columns from the Descriptions table, but only for the rows which I got in the Step #2 and which matches on ProdID.

What I need to have at the end is something like this (if I get more columns that is fine, but I do not want to get more rows):

ProdID Description TrackNum
361 Test 1 499
004 5599
238 Test 3 499

I have following query (and I have tried using INNER JOIN and CROSS APPLY) - but it returns me more rows than I need:

SELECT * FROM [Descriptions] AS [DES] 
    select * from [Invoices] AS [INV] where [INV].[TrackNum] = '499' AND [INV].[InvoiceID] = '718'
) [INV]
        select * from [Products] AS [GP] 
        WHERE [GP].[ProdID] = [INV].[ProdID]
    ) [GP2]
[DES].[ProdID] = [GP2].[ProdID]
order by [DES].[ProdID] asc


      invoices   AS i
      descriptions   AS d
        ON  d.prodid = i.prodid
        AND d.tracknum = i.tracknum -- you don't have this, but I think it's required.
      products   AS p
        ON  p.prodid = i.prodid
          i.invoiceid = 718
      AND i.tracknum = 499

    One thing that concerns me is that both the invoices and descriptions have a column named tracknum, but your query and expected data indicate that you don't want to include that in the join? That's very confusing and either a poor column name, or a mistake in your query and example results.