i try to figure out how to plot this barchart with texttemplate. without cutting them, but also keep the y-axis dynamic. thanks for ideas!
import plotly.express as px
df = px.data.gapminder().query("continent == 'Europe' and year == 2007 and pop > 2.e6")
df.lifeExp = df.lifeExp/100
fig = px.bar(df, y='lifeExp', x='country', text='lifeExp')
fig.update_traces(texttemplate='%{text:.2%}', textposition='outside')
fig.update_layout(uniformtext_minsize=20, uniformtext_mode='show')
plotly.io.write_image(fig, file='bartest.png', format='png')
Setting uniformtext_minsize=20
will make your figure look crowded either way. So instead of fig.update_traces(texttemplate='%{text:.2%}', textposition='outside')
I would actually go for:
fig.update_traces(texttemplate='%{text:.2%}', textposition='inside')
fig.update_layout(uniformtext_minsize=12, uniformtext_mode='show')
Plotly adjusts the size of the yaxis to the size of the bars and not the texts added to it afterwards, so this way you'll prevent any problems with cutting off text. If you for some reason prefer to keep the text elements above the bars, you'll have to adjust the y-aixs accordingly with, for example:
fig.update_yaxes(range=[0, max(df.lifeExp)*1.2])
But as you can see you'll have to set uniformtext_minsize
to an impractically low number in order to make the text elements readable:
import plotly.express as px
df = px.data.gapminder().query("continent == 'Europe' and year == 2007 and pop > 2.e6")
df.lifeExp = df.lifeExp/100
fig = px.bar(df, y='lifeExp', x='country', text='lifeExp')
fig.update_traces(texttemplate='%{text:.2%}', textposition='inside')
fig.update_layout(uniformtext_minsize=11, uniformtext_mode='show')
# plotly.io.write_image(fig, file='bartest.png', format='png')
import plotly.express as px
df = px.data.gapminder().query("continent == 'Europe' and year == 2007 and pop > 2.e6")
df.lifeExp = df.lifeExp/100
fig = px.bar(df, y='lifeExp', x='country', text='lifeExp')
fig.update_traces(texttemplate='%{text:.2%}', textposition='outside')
fig.update_layout(uniformtext_minsize=5, uniformtext_mode='show')
# plotly.io.write_image(fig, file='bartest.png', format='png')
fig.update_yaxes(range=[0, max(df.lifeExp)*1.2])