I need to know if a popup (which is a singleton titlewindow, hence would be initialized only once) is already shown in the screen or not, if not then i will call a function to show it up, otherwise do something else.
I tried findPopup.focusEnabled //findPopup is the titlewindow class for popup
But it is always true irrespective of whether the popup is shown in the screen currently or not.
All objects rendered on the screen have a root:DisplayObject
property. If it is removed from the screen, then root
will be null. If your concern is whether the pop-up is in front of everything else, then use popUpObj.parent.setChildIndex(popUpObj, popUpObj.parent.numChildren - 1)
to ensure it (more on this below). You will need to iterate through all of the parent until you reach the root
itself. (With the PopUpManager, I believe that the MovieClip is added directly to the root
, so it should only be once, but I don't recall at the moment)
Everything else is obvious:
Honestly, this is easiest to do on the root
var firstParent:DisplayObjectContainer = /*
find the ancestor which is on
the root. You may need to look up
"path to root AS3"
var num:int = root.numChildren;
//iterate backwards to exclude things below the target clip.
for( var i:int = num - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
var kid:DisplayObject = root.getChildAt( i );
if( kid == firstParent ) break; // no sense in continuing.
if( firstParent.hitTestObject( kid ) )
// kid at least partially obscures the pop-up. Do something with it.