I want to read data from mfrc522 (Iduino RFID-rc522) card reader using my RPi Pico but I don't know how to. I was trying to use mfrc522.py MicroPython library made for this purpose. Reader is communicating with Pi over SPI and I connected it to SPI0. Code on pi:
import time
from machine import I2C, Pin, SPI
from mfrc522 import MFRC522
sck = Pin(6, Pin.OUT)
mosi = Pin(7, Pin.OUT)
miso = Pin(4, Pin.OUT)
spi = SPI(0, baudrate=100000, polarity=0, phase=0, sck=sck, mosi=mosi, miso=miso)
sda = Pin(5, Pin.OUT)
rst = Pin(22, Pin.OUT)
while True:
rdr = MFRC522(spi, sda, rst)
uid = ""
(stat, tag_type) = rdr.request(rdr.REQIDL)
if stat == rdr.OK:
(stat, raw_uid) = rdr.anticoll()
if stat == rdr.OK:
uid = ("0x%02x%02x%02x%02x" % (raw_uid[0], raw_uid[1], raw_uid[2], raw_uid[3]))
And Library:
from machine import Pin, SPI
from os import uname
class MFRC522:
OK = 0
ERR = 2
REQIDL = 0x26
REQALL = 0x52
AUTHENT1A = 0x60
AUTHENT1B = 0x61
def __init__(self, spi, cs, rst):
self.spi = spi
self.cs = cs
self.rst = rst
def _wreg(self, reg, val):
self.spi.write(b'%c' % int(0xff & ((reg << 1) & 0x7e)))
self.spi.write(b'%c' % int(0xff & val))
def _rreg(self, reg):
self.spi.write(b'%c' % int(0xff & (((reg << 1) & 0x7e) | 0x80)))
val = self.spi.read(1)
return val[0]
def _sflags(self, reg, mask):
self._wreg(reg, self._rreg(reg) | mask)
def _cflags(self, reg, mask):
self._wreg(reg, self._rreg(reg) & (~mask))
def _tocard(self, cmd, send):
recv = []
bits = irq_en = wait_irq = n = 0
stat = self.ERR
if cmd == 0x0E:
irq_en = 0x12
wait_irq = 0x10
elif cmd == 0x0C:
irq_en = 0x77
wait_irq = 0x30
self._wreg(0x02, irq_en | 0x80)
self._cflags(0x04, 0x80)
self._sflags(0x0A, 0x80)
self._wreg(0x01, 0x00)
for c in send:
self._wreg(0x09, c)
self._wreg(0x01, cmd)
if cmd == 0x0C:
self._sflags(0x0D, 0x80)
i = 2000
while True:
n = self._rreg(0x04)
i -= 1
if ~((i != 0) and ~(n & 0x01) and ~(n & wait_irq)):
self._cflags(0x0D, 0x80)
if i:
if (self._rreg(0x06) & 0x1B) == 0x00:
stat = self.OK
if n & irq_en & 0x01:
stat = self.NOTAGERR
elif cmd == 0x0C:
n = self._rreg(0x0A)
lbits = self._rreg(0x0C) & 0x07
if lbits != 0:
bits = (n - 1) * 8 + lbits
bits = n * 8
if n == 0:
n = 1
elif n > 16:
n = 16
for _ in range(n):
stat = self.ERR
return stat, recv, bits
def _crc(self, data):
self._cflags(0x05, 0x04)
self._sflags(0x0A, 0x80)
for c in data:
self._wreg(0x09, c)
self._wreg(0x01, 0x03)
i = 0xFF
while True:
n = self._rreg(0x05)
i -= 1
if not ((i != 0) and not (n & 0x04)):
return [self._rreg(0x22), self._rreg(0x21)]
def init(self):
self._wreg(0x2A, 0x8D)
self._wreg(0x2B, 0x3E)
self._wreg(0x2D, 30)
self._wreg(0x2C, 0)
self._wreg(0x15, 0x40)
self._wreg(0x11, 0x3D)
def reset(self):
self._wreg(0x01, 0x0F)
def antenna_on(self, on=True):
if on and ~(self._rreg(0x14) & 0x03):
self._sflags(0x14, 0x03)
self._cflags(0x14, 0x03)
def request(self, mode):
self._wreg(0x0D, 0x07)
(stat, recv, bits) = self._tocard(0x0C, [mode])
if (stat != self.OK) | (bits != 0x10):
stat = self.ERR
return stat, bits
def anticoll(self):
ser_chk = 0
ser = [0x93, 0x20]
self._wreg(0x0D, 0x00)
(stat, recv, bits) = self._tocard(0x0C, ser)
if stat == self.OK:
if len(recv) == 5:
for i in range(4):
ser_chk = ser_chk ^ recv[i]
if ser_chk != recv[4]:
stat = self.ERR
stat = self.ERR
return stat, recv
def select_tag(self, ser):
buf = [0x93, 0x70] + ser[:5]
buf += self._crc(buf)
(stat, recv, bits) = self._tocard(0x0C, buf)
return self.OK if (stat == self.OK) and (bits == 0x18) else self.ERR
def auth(self, mode, addr, sect, ser):
return self._tocard(0x0E, [mode, addr] + sect + ser[:4])[0]
def stop_crypto1(self):
self._cflags(0x08, 0x08)
def read(self, addr):
data = [0x30, addr]
data += self._crc(data)
(stat, recv, _) = self._tocard(0x0C, data)
return recv if stat == self.OK else None
def write(self, addr, data):
buf = [0xA0, addr]
buf += self._crc(buf)
(stat, recv, bits) = self._tocard(0x0C, buf)
if not (stat == self.OK) or not (bits == 4) or not ((recv[0] & 0x0F) == 0x0A):
stat = self.ERR
buf = []
for i in range(16):
buf += self._crc(buf)
(stat, recv, bits) = self._tocard(0x0C, buf)
if not (stat == self.OK) or not (bits == 4) or not ((recv[0] & 0x0F) == 0x0A):
stat = self.ERR
return stat
My output is absolutely clear and I am not getting any print. Where's my problem?
After straggling with this problem too and posting an unuseful answer which was deleted, i finally managed to get it work. Take a look at this thread at raspberry.org, especially at the GitHub repo from danjperron mentioned there.
I copied the code to my Pico and changed the pin numbers in examples/Pico_read.py, line 11 to reader = MFRC522(spi_id=0,sck=6,miso=4,mosi=7,cs=5,rst=22)
to match your used pins. It will print out something like Card detected 0C9B5023
if it works.