I'm using React Datepicker inside a Bootstrap React Modal dialog.
Getting the following layout issue when clicking the text box to open the calendar:
The basic code is this:
<Modal show={this.state.isDialogOpenB} onHide={this.handleDialogCloseB}>
<Modal.Header closeButton>
<Modal.Title>Editing UserID: {this.state.activeItemIdB} Username: {this.state.activeItemNameB}</Modal.Title>
<div class="custom-control custom-checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" class="custom-control-input" id="bChkboxLocked"></input>
<label class="custom-control-label" htmlFor="bChkboxLocked">Locked</label>
<DatePicker dateFormat="MM/dd/yyyy" selected={this.state.testDate} onChange={this.handleDatePickerChangeB} />
<Button variant="secondary" onClick={this.handleDialogCloseB}>
I didn't have a lot of time to debug this, but I found a better datepicker that doesn't depend on its outer DIV: React Day-Picker :