Just wondering if anyone knows of anything to similar to clicking a feature (point) on an OpenLayers Map and it triggering a small pop-up form for completion?
I've found this in regards to adding text labels, but I don't want my label to appear... https://subscription.packtpub.com/book/web_development/9781785287756/3/ch03lvl1sec34/adding-text-labels-to-geometry-points
Realistically, I want an illusion for the user to have interactivity with a contact page map. They can draw a point on the map (this code is complete), but now I'd like to offer them the opportunity to click that point they've just drawn and add text in a pop-up - is this possible?
https://www.w3schools.com/howto/tryit.asp?filename=tryhow_js_popup_form - essentially this type of form but after the point has been drawn
Tooltip packages such as Popovers from Bootstrap (example), Tippy, or Popper (on which the previous ones are based) all allow HTML content to be displayed such a tooltip. So you could trigger the creation of a tooltip within your on('click')
even listener, that persists until the form is submitted.