In a disassembled dll (by IDA), I reached an array, which is commented as an array of int
(but it may be of byte
.rdata:000000018003CC00 ; int boxA[264]
.rdata:000000018003CC00 boxA dd 0 ; DATA XREF: BlockPrepXOR+5FC↑r
.rdata:000000018003CC04 db 0Eh
.rdata:000000018003CC05 db 0Bh
.rdata:000000018003CC06 db 0Dh
.rdata:000000018003CC07 db 9
.rdata:000000018003CC08 db 1Ch
.rdata:000000018003CC09 db 16h
.rdata:000000018003CC0A db 1Ah
.rdata:000000018003CC0B db 12h
.rdata:000000018003CC0C db 12h
.rdata:000000018003CC0D db 1Dh
.rdata:000000018003CC0E db 17h
.rdata:000000018003CC0F db 1Bh
Can I interpret the data as
{000000h, E0B0D09h, 1C161A12h, ..}
or{0, 90D0B0Eh, 121A161Ch, ...}
or{00h,00h,00h,00h, 0Eh, 0Bh, ..}
?From the comment (from IDA), can you confirm that the array ends at CC00h + 253*4 = D01Fh
? I have another array starting at D020h
.rdata:000000018003D01D db 0F9h ; ù
.rdata:000000018003D01E db 0A2h ; ¢
.rdata:000000018003D01F db 3Fh ; ?
.rdata:000000018003D020 array4_1248 db 1 ; DATA XREF: BlockPrepXOR+39A↑o
.rdata:000000018003D021 db 2
.rdata:000000018003D022 db 4
.rdata:000000018003D023 db 8
That's just the AES decryption's T8 matrix as described in this paper.
You can easily identify it by looking for the DWORDs values on Google (e.g. this is one of the results).
So that's just data for an AES decryption function.
Note also that the interpretation of a sequence of bytes as a sequence of multi-byte data (WORDs, DWORDs, QWORDs, and so on) depends on the architecture.
For x86, only the little-endian interpretation is correct (this is your case 2) but data may undergo arbitrary manipulations (e.g. it can be bswap
ped) so, when looking on Google, always use both the little and the big-endian versions of the data.
It's also worth noting that IDA can interpret the bytes as DWORDs (type d
twice or use the context menù), showing the correct value based on the architecture of disassembled binary.