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How to convert ConPTY output to HTML

I'm using the ConPTY node api to simulate a terminal and capture the text. Before that I used the regular powershell.exe terminal and used this module to convert it to html which worked perfectly.

But now with ConPTY, the format is different a little and it doesn't work as well. I see some strange text. Does anyone know what is the best way to convert it into friendly HTML?


  • Figured it out

    const pty = require('node-pty');
    const AnsiTerminal = require('node-ansiterminal').AnsiTerminal;
    const AnsiParser = require('node-ansiparser');
    const Convert = require('ansi-to-html');
    const shell = ptyProcess = pty.spawn('powershell.exe', ['-executionpolicy', 'remotesigned', '-File', 'test.ps1'], { name: 'test', cols: terminal_columns, rows: 30, cwd: __dirname, env: process.env });
    var convert = new Convert({
    const terminal_columns = 160;
    var terminal = new AnsiTerminal(terminal_columns, 30, 500);
    var parser = new AnsiParser(terminal);
    ptyProcess.onData((data) => {
        const msg = data.toString();
        const str = terminal.toString().trim() + "\n\n";
        var html_str = convert.toHtml(str);      
    ptyProcess.onExit(function(data) {  
        // exit event