Previously I was using react-intl
and was able to set placeholders for items which would be replaced with components, e.g. {br}
with <br />
I'm currently getting errors when using react-i18next
and i18next-icu
where I'm trying to do:
// Using Intl format (via i18next-icu)
"test": "Replace with a{br}line-break. {button}"
t("test", { br: <br />, button: <button>Click me!</button> });
// Outputted translated text
Replace with a[object Object]line-break. [object Object]
Is it actually possible to do this using i18next
? If not, what would be another method to insert components into the translated string?
You need to configure react i18next like this in your i18n.js to support basic tags:
import i18n from "i18next";
import LanguageDetector from "i18next-browser-languagedetector";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
fallbackLng: "en",
react: {
transSupportBasicHtmlNodes: true,
transKeepBasicHtmlNodesFor: ["br", "strong", "b", "i"],
export default i18n;
Then you can as @jamuhl said use the component like this:
const keyInTranslationJsonFile=`My text that can be <b>{{boldPlaceholder}}</b>`;
<Trans i18nKey={keyInTranslationJsonFile}>{{boldPlaceholder: "bold"}}</Trans>
I just noticed that it's not possible to alert a Trans component. As far as I know you cannot make something bold with the t()
function or use any tags. But you can still use normal placeholders at least.
Like this:
const keyInTranslationJsonFile=`You've selected the max of {{selectLimit}} elements`;
t(keyInTranslationJsonFile, {
selectLimit: selectLimit,