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How to add Size and Hardware parameters in Load testing?

My client has asked me to add below parameters in my load test result:

"How are we doing on performance testing? Do we have any benchmarks - Eg. PPR 8 Core 32 GB RAM 250

Concurrent Users - 50

Reports: min & min report size - xx kb)

If we haven’t carried out any such performance tests yet, can we plan for."

So, presently I'm only showing Response/elapsed time graph and Latency Graph in MS Excel, for up to 50 concurrent users.

enter image description here

My question is how may I add the Size parameter in the results?

Also how shall I test on the Hardware benchmarks for Load test (eg. 8 Core 32 GB RAM)?

What more things shall I do in performance testing, my client doesn't looks satisfied with the performance test I'm running currently.

(I'm a newbie to performance testing, 3 months only with this domain)


    1. If you're downloading some report and the client wants to see correlation of response time and response size you can check out the following charts:

    2. With regards to measuring the hardware impact, you can collect it using JMeter PerfMon Plugin, it can gather and plot more than 70 various metrics (CPU, Memory, Disk, Network, TCP, JMX and custom ones)