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singularity / ubuntu : how to use the host authentical agent

A singularity image created from ubuntu 18.04 (or newer) has a run script which, among other things, git clone some repositories using ssh.

Ideally, I would like that: when the image is executed, the (already activated) ssh key of the host is used for the (git ssh clone) authentication.

So things could be run like:

ssh-add ~/.ssh/my_key # and possibly typing password

Would this be possible ?


  • Short answer: yes

    • singularity run -B $SSH_AUTH_SOCK myimage.sif

    Long answer: yes, as long as the right directories and environment variables passed to the image.

    You need:

    1. git/ssh installed in the singularity image (may or may not be in a default docker image)
    2. your $HOME directory mounted in. This is default, but may need to do it manually (-H /home/my_user) depending on configuration
    3. ssh-agent environment variable SSH_AUTH_SOCK exported. By default your host environment is passed into the container, but this can be disabled with -e | --cleanenv
    4. the path set in $SSH_AUTH_SOCK mounted in. This is why we're using SINGULARITY_BIND or -B $SSH_AUTH_SOCK

    An easy way to test if your keys are being accessed correctly:

    $ singularity exec -B $SSH_AUTH_SOCK myimage.sif ssh -T
    Hi tsnowlan! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.