In a scenario, I need to check that if my expected table/class exists in the realm database or not. Because if I do some queries like this using DynamicRealm
DynamicRealm dynamicRealm = DynamicRealm.getInstance(myRealmConfig);
Then I'm getting an exception like that -
Class does not exist in the Realm and cannot be queried: myExpectedClass
So to prevent this exception, I need to make it sure first that it is existing in database or not
I have just debugged and found some methods to check this case and made an exception free reusable method -
* @param dynamicRealm The source dynamic realm created using the same realm configuration.
* @param clazzNameExpected The CASE-SENSITIVE name of the expected class we want to check whatever it is existing in
* realm database or not.
* @return
public static boolean isClassExistInRealmDB(DynamicRealm dynamicRealm,String clazzNameExpected) {
return (dynamicRealm != null && dynamicRealm.getSchema() != null) &&