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What's the best hierarchical module path for an OpenCL-Haskell library?

I'm creating a OpenCL high-level haskell library. Where's the best path in haskell tree for put it? I think it should be outside of Graphics subtree but I dont know where to put it.

It's based on Jeff Heard OpenCLRaw (He put that one on System.OpenCL.Raw.V10).

Update: I just started a repository,

Update: Options that I propose (and fomr answers)

  • System.GPU.OpenCL
  • Control.Parallel.OpenCL
  • Foreign.OpenCL


  • How about putting it in Control.Parallel? The haskell-mpi package uses Control.Parallel.MPI, and there's also the commonly used Control.Parallel.Strategies so it seems like an appropriate prefix.

    Shameless plug: I wrote a small script for fun to extract the hierarchical module tree from all packages on Hackage. It might be useful for seeing what hierarchical modules other packages use. I'll clean up the code and release it some time in the future. For now, here's the Hackage tree as of May 2011.