I need to check whether a USER is a part of a group which has functions which give them access to a usermanagement page.. what i current have is
def user_managment
# If they are in group 1 AND user has function id 1 (user management)
if current_user.group_ids.include?(1) && current_user.function_ids.include?(1)#&& group.function_ids.include?(1)
flash[:error] = "You have access to user management!"
flash[:error] = "You have DO NOT access to user management!"
if current_user.group_ids.include?(1) && group_ids(1).function_ids.include?(1)
flash[:error] = "Test"
im unsure how do check if they have the string user management in the table from the userscontrollers can anyone help?
What you're talking about here is access control, please please please PLEASE, stop what you're doing and look at one of the many, excellent authorization/ACL gems out there. For example, using acl9 you could have some code that's much more comprehensible and expressive, such as:
access_control do
allow :manager, :of => User, :to => :user_management
Rolling this stuff yourself is a bad move, and you'll end up with a lot of messy code intertwined through your app, very hard to maintain, and impossible to ensure it's always doing what you need it to.