I'm currently trying to alter an existing Oracle SQL table in Oracle SQL Developer.
I want to add a field to an existing table. The field should be not null, type NVARCHAR(256) and store a simple string - no foreign keys needed.
My SQL looks like this:
alter table MYTABLE
add column FRUITS NVARCHAR2(256) not null default 'apple';
When I run this sql statement, I get the following error:
Error starting at line : 1 in command -
alter table MYTABLE
add column FRUITS NVARCHAR2(256) not null default 'apple'
Error report -
ORA-00904: : invalid identifier
00904. 00000 - "%s: invalid identifier"
Do you know how to solve this error?
Wrong syntax as well as wrong order of constraints.
Should be
alter table MYTABLE
add FRUITS NVARCHAR2(256) default 'apple' not null;
SQL> create table mytable (id number);
Table created.
SQL> alter table MYTABLE
2 add column FRUITS NVARCHAR2(256) not null default 'apple';
add column FRUITS NVARCHAR2(256) not null default 'apple'
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-00904: : invalid identifier
SQL> alter table MYTABLE
2 add FRUITS NVARCHAR2(256) not null default 'apple';
add FRUITS NVARCHAR2(256) not null default 'apple'
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-30649: missing DIRECTORY keyword
SQL> alter table MYTABLE
2 add FRUITS NVARCHAR2(256) default 'apple' not null;
Table altered.