I am trying my hand at SAS macros for the first time. My basic question is: I have a dataset with some 10000 variables. I need to take each column individually, create a new conditional variable, store the results, then move to the next column. These columns are not sequentially ordered. What is the syntax SAS uses to identify a column (similar to how "_N_" would identify a row)?
Here is more information. The data looks something like this:
ID v1 v2 v3 ... v10000
01 3.2 1.5 7.8 ... 4.2
02 1.1 4.5 1.9 ... 10.7
N 2.5 1.5 4.9 ... 7.3
I need to look at the values of v1, count how many obs are above a value x and how many are below a value x, record those numbers in a dataset, then move onto v2, v3, ... v10000. In the end, I'd have a dataset that would show the number of obs above value x and number of obs below value x for each of my 10000 variables.
I have written the code as I would have written it for one variable in standard SAS code and it works, and now my intention is to convert that code into macro code, but I do not know how to construct a loop that would move from one column to the next.
Any help or references you could give would be greatly appreciated.
%LET CUTOFF = 3.1415926 ; /* set this as your 'cutoff' value */
data counters ;
set mydata end=eof ;
array vi{*} v1-v10000 ; /* incoming values */
array vc{*} c1-c10000 ; /* counters */
retain vc . ;
do i = 1 to dim(vi) ;
if vi{i} >= &CUTOFF then vc{i} + 1 ;
end ;
if eof then output ;
keep c1-c10000 ;
run ;