If I run a container with no volume specified, where does container system file store ?
docker run -it c_name i_name:tag
when I run a container without volume, only container folder created in /var/lib/docker/container
, but I If I create a large file in container file system, where does it stored on host? Because I want to know if it will cause occupying disk size issue.
The container's storage is composed of different layers, different layers will finally form a merged layer.
Let's make a small experiment next:
1. Start a container & setup a new file:
# docker run -idt --name trial debian /bin/bash
# docker exec -it trial /bin/bash
root@e6c2b6336753:/# echo "helloworld" > test.txt
root@e6c2b6336753:/# cat test.txt
2. Find the merged storage layer id:
# docker inspect --format=" {{ .GraphDriver.Data.MergedDir }} " trial
Here, 8f2e14d33448cb83e581b2950a69faa827a012904051c845abf550273196f90f
is the layer id.
3. Check layer:
# cd /var/lib/docker/overlay2/8f2e14d33448cb83e581b2950a69faa827a012904051c845abf550273196f90f/merged
root@shlava:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/8f2e14d33448cb83e581b2950a69faa827a012904051c845abf550273196f90f/merged# ls
bin boot dev etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys test.txt tmp usr var
root@shlava:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/8f2e14d33448cb83e581b2950a69faa827a012904051c845abf550273196f90f/merged# cat test.txt
So, as a conclusion, you could see from above, the file system contents could be found in /var/lib/docker/overlay2/
with layer id as folder, you could check the disk there.