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How to create Azure Managed Disk Snapshot with Encryption and Network Access Policy?

I am trying to use the SDK to create a snapshot for the managed disk using the below


But this doesn't have the options for setting encryption and network acess policy? Is it supported by the SDK API ? or should I use a different API ? I see SnapshotInner as one implementation of Snapshot. I am not sure if I can use the inner class as it doesn't allow me to set the name of the snapshot


  • Regarding the issue, please refer to the following steps




            String clientId="";
            String clientSecret="";
            String tenant="";
            String subId="";
            AzureProfile profile = new AzureProfile(tenant,subId, AzureEnvironment.AZURE);
            TokenCredential credential = new ClientSecretCredentialBuilder()
            ComputeManagementClientImpl computeClient = new ComputeManagementClientBuilder()
           SnapshotInner sp = new SnapshotInner()
                    .withCreationData(new CreationData().withSourceResourceId("")                                             .withCreateOption(DiskCreateOption.COPY))
                    .withSku(new SnapshotSku().withName(SnapshotStorageAccountTypes.PREMIUM_LRS))
                    .withEncryption(new Encryption().withType(EncryptionType.ENCRYPTION_AT_REST_WITH_PLATFORM_KEY))

    For more details, please refer to here.