So I'm writing a program that loops through multiple .txt files and searches for any number of pre-specified keywords. I'm having some trouble finding a way to pass through the keywords list to be searched for.
The code below currently returns the following error:
TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not list
I'm aware that the error is caused by the keyword list but I have no idea how to input a large array of keywords without it running this error.
Current code:
from os import listdir
keywords=['Example', 'Use', 'Of', 'Keywords']
with open("/home/user/folder/project/result.txt", "w") as f:
for filename in listdir("/home/user/folder/project/data"):
with open('/home/user/folder/project/data/' + filename) as currentFile:
text =
#Error Below
if (keywords in text):
f.write('Keyword found in ' + filename[:-4] + '\n')
f.write('No keyword in ' + filename[:-4] + '\n')
The error is indicated in line 10 in the above code under the commented section. I'm unsure as to why I can't call a list to be able to search for the keywords. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
You could replace
if (keywords in text):
if any(keyword in text for keyword in keywords):