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Preparing / Rendering Image for Image Classification with MNIST FASHION in Python

I know this question has previously been asked, but I still face some problems.

Having set up the Neuronal Network and trained the model, I now would like classificate images from my Desktop. For this reason the images gotta prepared before the supervised learning…

How can I transform a normal picture into the format (1, 28, 28) ?

I tried doing so by

Img = imageio.imread(f‘path/pic.png‘)
Image = numpy.expand(Img, 0)
Print(Image.shape) RETURNS (1, 28, 28, 3) and NOT (1, 28, 28)

Any Ideas, Inspirations, … Thanks in Advance


  • Instead of using the imageio library, you can instead use OpenCV, which is the cv2 library (needs to be installed first).

    import numpy as np
    import cv2
    Img = cv2.imread('path/pic.png', 0)  # Need to pass in the zero as a flag to be read in gray-scale
    Image = np.expand_dims(Img, 0)
    > (1, m, n)