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Is there SQL Logic to reduce type 2 table along a dimension

I have a slowly changing type 2 price change table which I need to reduce the size of to improve performance. Often rows are written to the table even if no price change occurred (when some other dimensional field changed) and the result is that for any product the table could be 3-10x the size it needs to be if it were including only changes in price.

I'd like to compress the table so that it only has contains the first effective date and last expiration date for each price until that price changes that can also

  • Deal with an unknown number of rows of the same price
  • Deal with products going back to an old price

As an example if i have this raw data:

Product Price Effective Date Price Expiration Date Price
123456 6/22/18 9/19/18 120
123456 9/20/18 11/8/18 120
123456 11/9/18 11/29/18 120
123456 11/30/18 12/6/18 120
123456 12/7/18 12/19/18 85
123456 12/20/18 1/1/19 85
123456 1/2/19 2/19/19 85
123456 2/20/19 2/20/19 120
123456 2/21/19 3/19/19 85
123456 3/20/19 5/22/19 85
123456 5/23/19 10/10/19 85
123456 10/11/19 6/19/19 80
123456 6/20/20 12/31/99 80

I need to transform it into this:

Product Price Effective Date Price Expiration Date Price
123456 6/22/18 12/6/18 120
123456 12/7/18 2/19/19 85
123456 2/20/19 2/20/19 120
123456 2/21/19 10/10/19 85
123456 10/11/19 12/31/99 80


  • This is a type of gaps-and-islands problem. I would recommend reconstructing the data, saving it in a temporary table, and then reloading the existing table.

    The code to reconstruct the data is:

    select product, price, min(effective_date), max(expiration_date)
    from (select t.*,
                 sum(case when prev_expiration_date = effective_date - interval '1 day' then 0 else 1 end) over (partition by product order by effective_date) as grp
          from (select t.*,
                       lag(expiration_date) over (partition by product, price order by effective_date) as prev_expiration_date
                from t
               ) t
         ) t
    group by product, price, grp;

    Note that the logic for date arithmetic varies depending on the database.

    Save this result into a temporary table, temp_t or whatever, using select into, create table as, or whatever your database supports.

    Then empty the current table and reload it:

    truncate table t;
    insert into t
        select product, price, effective_date, expiration_date
        from temp_t;


    • Validate the data before using truncate_table!
    • If there are triggers or columns with default values, you might want to be careful.