I'm quite new to linux, not so much in programing language. I'm looking for a way to set a variable (var2) to a given value depending on matching the last 3 Bytes of a MAc Adress in var1
Here's an example :
here is my "lookup table" base on the 3 last values of the mac adress"
DD:EE:FF > var2="Home"
AB:CD:EF > var2="Garage"
FE:DC:GH > var2="Bedroom1"
... (Max 20)
Important thing : The "lookup table" needs to be "readable" because it needs to be easily configurable. I would have used very ugly IF statements otherwise. :-)
Thanks to all the people who will take the time to help me on this.
Looks like all you need is a case
case $var1 in
*:DD:EE:FF) var2="Home";;
*:AB:CD:EF) var2="Garage";;
*:FE:DC:GH) var2="Bedroom1";;