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AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'text' - BeautifulShop

I have a little code for scraping info from fbref (link for data: and it worked well but now I have some problems with some features (I've checked that the fields which don't work now are"player","nationality","position","squad","age","birth_year"). I have also checked that the fields have the same name in the web that it used to be. Any ideas/help to solve the problem?

Many Thanks!

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import re
import sys, getopt
import csv

def get_tables(url):
    res = requests.get(url)
    ## The next two lines get around the issue with comments breaking the parsing.
    comm = re.compile("<!--|-->")
    soup = BeautifulSoup(comm.sub("",res.text),'lxml')
    all_tables = soup.findAll("tbody")
    team_table = all_tables[0]
    player_table = all_tables[1]
    return player_table, team_table

def get_frame(features, player_table):
    pre_df_player = dict()
    features_wanted_player = features
    rows_player = player_table.find_all('tr')
    for row in rows_player:
        if(row.find('th',{"scope":"row"}) != None):
            for f in features_wanted_player:
                cell = row.find("td",{"data-stat": f})
                a = cell.text.strip().encode()
                if(text == ''):
                    text = '0'
                    text = float(text.replace(',',''))
                if f in pre_df_player:
                    pre_df_player[f] = [text]
    df_player = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(pre_df_player)
    return df_player

stats = ["player","nationality","position","squad","age","birth_year","games","games_starts","minutes","goals","assists","pens_made","pens_att","cards_yellow","cards_red","goals_per90","assists_per90","goals_assists_per90","goals_pens_per90","goals_assists_pens_per90","xg","npxg","xa","xg_per90","xa_per90","xg_xa_per90","npxg_per90","npxg_xa_per90"]

def frame_for_category(category,top,end,features):
    url = (top + category + end)
    player_table, team_table = get_tables(url)
    df_player = get_frame(features, player_table)
    return df_player

df1 = frame_for_category('stats',top,end,stats)



  • If you're only after the player stats, change player_table = all_tables[1] to player_table = all_tables[2], because now you are feeding team table into get_frame function.

    I tried it and it worked fine after that.