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WebApplication publish to relative filesystem path

I'm setting up a publish to a relative path for testing locally (especially xml config transformations). Each developer has their own path to the checked out project and I'd like to set up a publish that is machine/environment agnostic.

The publish dialog doesn't hint at any variables or wildcards that are allowed in it and it doesn't accept obj\publish or file://./obj/publish

Is there a way to publish to a relative filesystem path?


  • Edit

    For Visual Studio 2012, this solution will not work. You should look at the answer by michielvoo just after this one.

    Original answer

    After trying and trying I found the solution: you can use a relative path by setting


    in the Publish WebApp dialog, but you must use a path that is already existent and writable by the user you are using. This way you can publish your web app in a local folder, or a path related folder.

    Let me know if this helps. It did for me.