How would you remove a known part of a file, for example the one below:
func1() {
# some code with conditions
if [...]; then...
# with some new lines too
# some code again
from a script file?
I tried this way:
grep -xvF "$(cat <<'HEREDOC'
func1() {
# some code with conditions
if [...]; then...
# with some new lines too
# some code again
)" file > ouput
It works, except that it removes any new line. I haven't found a way of sorting this out.
I made an attempt with awk but it was throwing syntax errors on the brackets and =
signs found in the block.
The examples I found on StackExchange platforms generally try to remove several lines by pattern.
Does someone have a way of achieving this being able to deal with the special characters and keeping the output file similar to what it was before?
Using GNU sed
sed -z -f <(sed 's|[.*^$/\[]|\\&|g; s|$|\\n|; 1s|^|s/|; $a //g' delete.txt | tr -d '\n') file
The delete.txt
contains the contiguous portion that is to be removed from the file