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two method make it in one single method - angular

As I have two methods I want to make it one single method.

For example

I have two color palates one is for background color change and another one is for shape color.

What I am thinking is instead of background color I want the shape color to be address for both backgrounds & for shape.

here is my TS code

setCanvasFill(): void {
    if (!this.props.canvasImage) {
        this.canvas.backgroundColor = this.props.canvasFill;

setFillColor(swatch: any): void {
    this.palettes.selected = swatch;
    this.props.fill = swatch.key;

Here is my HTML for background-color

    <div class="custom-item" *ngIf="!props.canvasImage">
  <div class="custom-item-title">Background color</div>
  <div class="custom-item-body">
    <input type="text" class="form-control" [cpPosition]="'left'" [cpPresetColors]="customColors" [cpOKButton]="true" [cpAddColorButtonText]="'Speichern'" [cpAddColorButton]="true" [cpOKButtonClass]="'btn btn-light btn-sm'" [cpSaveClickOutside]="false" [(colorPicker)]="props.canvasFill"
           [style.background]="props.canvasFill" [value]="props.canvasFill" (cpPresetColorsChange)="updateColorPresets($event)"

Here is my html for Shapes color

    <div class="panel panel-default panel-palettes no-select">
  <div class="panel-heading">Color palette</div>
  <div class="panel-body max-height">
    <ul class="list-inline">
      <li class="color-swatch" *ngFor="let p of palettes.defaults" title="{{p.value}}" (click)="setFillColor(p)"
          [ngStyle]="{'background-color': p.key}" [ngClass]="{'selected': palettes.selected === p}">
    <ul class="color-swatch-custom list-inline">
      <li class="color-swatch" *ngFor="let p of palettes.custom" title="{{p.value}}" (click)="setFillColor(p)"
          [ngStyle]="{'background-color': p.key}" [ngClass]="{'selected': palettes.selected === p}">&nbsp;</li>
  <div class="panel-footer">
    <div class="btn-group btn-group-sm pull-right" role="group" aria-label="
    Color palette actions"
         [ngClass]="{'btn-group-disabled': palettes.selected === null}">
      <button ngbTooltip="Clear color" title="Clear color" type="button"
              class="btn btn-default" [disabled]="palettes.selected === null || palettes.selected.type !== undefined"
          class="fa fa-trash text-danger"
    <div class="clearfix"></div>
<!-- /Panel: Color Palettes -->

I am trying like this

    setFillColor(swatch: any): void {
    this.palettes.selected = swatch;
    this.props.fill = swatch.key;

setCanvasFill(): void {
    if (!this.props.canvasImage) {
        console.log('say hi')
        this.canvas.backgroundColor = this.props.canvasFill;

I was getting the log but the color is not applying


  • Is this what you want?

    setFillColor(swatch: any): void {
        this.palettes.selected = swatch;
        this.props.fill = swatch.key;
        if (!this.props.canvasImage) {
            console.log('say hi')
            this.canvas.backgroundColor = this.props.canvasFill;