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left outer join with custom ON condition sequelize

I'm using sequelize, DB as Postgres

my students table as ( id, name, dept_id ) columns.

my departments table as ( id, dname, hod) columns

My Association while looks like this

Student.hasOne(models.Department, {
    foreignKey: 'id',
    as : "role"

I want to get a student with a particular id and his department details. By using sequelize I wrote a query like below

    where: { id: id },
    include: [{
        model: Department,

FYI with this includes option in findOne, it is generated a left outer join query as below

SELECT "Student"."id", "Student"."name", "Student"."dept_id", "dept"."id" AS "", "dept"."dname" AS "dept.dname", "dept"."hod" AS "dept.hod", FROM "students" AS "Student" 
LEFT OUTER JOIN "departments" AS "dept" 
ON "Student"."id" = "dept"."id" 
WHERE "Student"."id" = 1 

My expected Output should be

    id: 1,
    name: "bod",
    dept_id: 4,
    dept: {
        id: 4,
        dname: "xyz",
        hod: "x"

but I'm getting

    id: 1,
    name: "bod",
    dept_id: 4,
    dept: {
        id: 1,
        dname: "abc",
        hod: "a"

so how to I change ON condition to

ON "Student"."dept_id" = "dept"."id"

thank you in advance


  • Student.hasOne(models.Department, {
        foreignKey: 'dept_id', // fixed
        as : "role"