I need to run many async functions concurrently and yield the results as they complete, order doesn't matter.
Here is what i have in a simplified example, of course this does not work right because it's waiting for every response before moving to the next request.
Stream<String> stringGenerator(List<http.Request> requests) async* {
final httpClient = http.Client();
for (var req in requests) {
final response = await httpClient.send(req);
yield response.headers['example'];
Could you try and see if this is working for you?
Stream<String> stringGenerator(List<http.Request> requests) {
final controller = StreamController<String>();
final httpClient = http.Client();
Future.wait(requests.map((req) => httpClient
.then((response) => controller.add(response.headers['example']!))))
.whenComplete(() => controller.close());
return controller.stream;
More correct would be this, since we don't want to generate events before we are listening for them according to the documentation for StreamController
. It is really not an issue for internal usage since StreamController
does buffer events until a listener are subscribed:
Stream<String> stringGenerator(List<http.Request> requests) {
final controller = StreamController<String>();
controller.onListen = () {
final httpClient = http.Client();
Future.wait(requests.map((req) => httpClient
.then((response) => controller.add(response.headers['example']!))))
.whenComplete(() => controller.close());
return controller.stream;