I am attempting to bind a selection event to items within a combobox to display an image inside a toplevel window once the specified item is selected. The code I have runs without error. However, the images are not displayed upon selecting the items inside the combobox. Any help would be appreciated.
from tkinter import *
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
class Image_viewer:
def __init__(self, win):
self.root = win
self.root.title('Root Window')
self.lblHeading = tk.Label(self.root,
text = 'Root Window',
font = ('Times New Roman', 14),
bg = 'White')
self.lblHeading.pack(side = tk.TOP)
self.btnView = tk.Button(self.root, text = 'Image Viewer', command = self.view)
self.btnView.place(relx = 0.5, rely = 0.9, anchor = tk.SE)
self.btnClose = tk.Button(self.root, text = 'Close', command = self.close)
self.btnClose.place(relx = 0.8, rely = 0.9, anchor = tk.SE)
def CMBinsert(self):
self.imgas = tk.PhotoImage(file = '../raw/as.png')
self.imggr = tk.PhotoImage(file = '../raw/gr.png')
if self.box_value.get() == 'as':
#creates textbox to insert image into
self.mytext = tk.Text(self.top)
self.mytext.place(relx = 0.5, rely = 0.80, height=150, width=200, anchor = tk.CENTER)
#inserts image into textbox
self.mytext.image_create(tk.END, image = self.imgas)
elif self.box_value.get() == 'gr':
#creates textbox to insert image into
self.mytext = tk.Text(self.top)
self.mytext.place(relx = 0.5, rely = 0.80, height=150, width=200, anchor = tk.CENTER)
#inserts image into textbox
self.mytext.image_create(tk.END, image = self.imgas)
def view(self):
#creating top level
self.top = Toplevel()
self.top.title('Top Level')
#Quit Button
self.btnClose2 = Button(self.top, text="Quit", command= self.top.destroy)
self.btnClose2.place(relx = 0.9, rely = 0.1, anchor = tk.SE)
#initializing combobox
self.CMB = ttk.Combobox(self.top, textvariable=self.box_value, state='readonly')
self.CMB.place(relx = 0.6, rely = 0.3, anchor = tk.SE)
#binding selection event to combobox selection event
self.CMB.bind("<<ComboboxSelected>>", self.CMBinsert())
def close(self):
def main():
root = tk.Tk()
if __name__ == '__main__':
This is a subtle issue with binding the callback to the Combobox event, you need to pass in a function as an argument, but you wrote
self.CMB.bind("<<ComboboxSelected>>", self.CMBinsert())
with the parenthesis after self.CMBinsert
, so you're not passing the function, you're actually calling the function once, and passing in the result instead. Just remove those parenthesis:
self.CMB.bind("<<ComboboxSelected>>", self.CMBinsert)
After that, you get an error on the callback's signature:
TypeError: CMBinsert() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given
because it's expecting an event
parameter, just change your def to:
def CMBinsert(self, evt):