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How do you implement Object-Oriented polymorphism in a functional language?

Say you have this in an Object-Oriented application:

module Talker
  def talk(word)
    puts word

module Swimmer
  def swim(distance)
    puts "swimming #{distance}"

class Organism
  def initialize
  def rise
    puts "hello world"

class Animal extends Organism
  def think(something)
    puts "think #{something}"

class Bird extends Animal
  include Talker

class Fish extends Animal
  include Swimmer

bird = new Bird
fish = new Fish

In this, you can call methods which are unique to each:"hello")

But you can also call methods which are the same:


If I have a function that takes an animal, I can call the think function:

def experience(animal)

In a pseudo functional language, you can do the same basically:

function experience(animal) {

But not really, you would have to check the type:

function think(genericObject) {
  if (genericObject is Animal) {
  } else if (genericObject is SomethingElse) {

That is because, when implementing your "experience" function, you don't want just animals to experience, you want rocks and trees and other things to experience too, but their experience functions are different.

function experience(thing) {

function move(thing) {
  case thing {
    match Animal then animalMove(thing)
    match Plant then plantMove(thing)
    match Rock then rockMove(thing)

In this way, you can't have a cleanly reusable function, your function must know of the specific types it's going to receive somewhere down the line.

Is there any way to avoid this and make it more like OO polymorphism, in a functional language?

If so, at a high level, how does it work under the hood if this can be solved in a functional language?


  • Functional programming languages have a variety of ways of achieving polymorphism. I'm going to contrast Java (the OOP language I know best) with Haskell (the functional language I know best).

    Way 1: "parametric polymorphism"

    With parametric polymorphism, you don't need to know anything at all about the underlying type. For example, if I have a singly-linked list with elements of type T, I actually don't need to know anything about type T in order to find the length of the list. I would just write something like

    length :: forall a . [a] -> Integer
    length [] = 0
    length (x:xs) = 1 + length xs

    in Haskell (obviously I'd want to use a better algorithm in practice, but you get the idea). Note that it doesn't matter what the type of the list elements is; the code for getting the length is the same. The first line is the "type signature". It says that for every type a, length will take a list of a and output an integer.

    This can't be used for too much "serious polymorphism", but it's definitely a strong start. It corresponds roughly to Java's generics.

    Way 2: typeclass-style polymorphism

    Even something as benign as checking for equality actually requires polymorphism. Different types require different code for checking equality, and for some types (generally functions), checking equality is literally impossible because of the halting problem. Thus, we use "type classes".

    Let's say I define a new type with 2 elements, Bob and Larry. In Haskell, this looks like

    data VeggieTalesStars = Bob | Larry

    I would like to be able to compare two elements of type VeggieTalesStars for equality. To do this, I would need to implement an Eq instance.

    instance Eq VeggieTalesStars where
        Bob == Bob     = True
        Larry == Larry = True
        Bob == Larry   = False
        Larry == Bob   = False

    Note that the function (==) has the type signature

    (==) :: forall b . Eq b => b -> b -> Bool

    This means that for every type b, if b has an Eq instance, then (==) can take two arguments of type b and return a Bool.

    It's probably not too difficult for you to guess that the not-equals function (/=) also has the type signature

    (/=) :: forall b . Eq b => b -> b -> Bool

    Because (/=) is defined by

    x /= y = not (x == y)

    When we call the (/=) function, the function will deploy the correct version of the (==) function based on the types of the arguments. If the arguments have different types, you won't be able to compare them using (/=).

    Typeclass-style polymorphism allows you to do the following:

    class Animal b where
        think :: b -> String -> String
        -- we provide the default implementation
        think b string = "think " ++ string
    data Fish = Fish
    data Bird = Bird
    instance Animal Fish where
    instance Animal Bird where

    Both Fish and Bird implement the "Animal" typeclass, so we can call the think function on both. That is,

    >>> think Bird "thought"
    "think thought"
    >>> think Fish "thought"
    "think thought"

    This use case corresponds roughly to Java interfaces - types can implement as many type classes as they want. But type classes are far more powerful than interfaces.

    Way 3: Functions

    If your object only has one method, it may as well just be a function. This is a very common way to avoid inheritance hierarchies - deal with functions rather than inheritors of a 1-method base class.

    One might therefore define

    type Animal = String -> String
    basicAnimal :: Animal
    basicAnimal thought = "think " ++ thought

    An "animal" is really just a way of taking one string and producing another. This would correspond to the Java code

    class Animal {
        public String think(String thought) {
            return "think " + thought;

    Let's say that in Java, we decided to implement a subclass of animal as follows:

    class ThoughtfulPerson extends Animal {
        private final String thought;
        public ThoughtfulPerson(final String thought) {
            this.thought = thought;
        public String think(String thought) {
            System.out.println("I normally think " + this.thought ", but I'm currently thinking" + thought + ".");

    In Haskell, we would implement this as

    thoughtfulPerson :: String -> Animal
    thoughtfulPerson originalThought newThought = "I normally think " ++ originalThought ", but I'm currently thinking" ++ newThought ++ "."

    The "dependency injection" of Java code is realised by Haskell's higher-order functions.

    Way 4: composition over inheritance + functions

    Suppose we have an abstract base class Thing with two methods:

    abstract class Thing {
        public abstract String name();
        public abstract void makeLightBlink(int duration);

    I'm using Java-style syntax, but hopefully it's not too confusing.

    Fundamentally, the only way to use this abstract base class is by calling its two methods. Therefore, a Thing should actually be considered to be an ordered pair consisting of a string and a function.

    In a functional language like Haskell, we would write

    data Thing = Thing { name :: String, makeLightsBlink :: Int -> IO () }

    In other words, a "Thing" consists of two parts: a name, which is a string, and a function makeLightsBlink, which takes an Int and outputs an "IO action". This is Haskell's way of dealing with IO - through the type system.

    Instead of defining subclasses of Thing, Haskell would just have you define functions which output a Thing (or define Things themselves directly). So if in Java you might define

    class ConcreteThing extends Thing {
        public String name() {
            return "ConcreteThing";
        public void makeLightsBlink(int duration) {
            for (int i = 0; i < duration; i++) {
                System.out.println("Lights are blinking!");

    In Haskell, you would instead define

    concreteThing :: Thing
    concreteThing = Thing { name = "ConcreteThing", makeLightsBlink = blinkFunction } where
        blinkFunction duration = for_ [1..duration] . const $ putStrLn "Lights are blinking!"

    No need to do anything fancy. You can implement any behaviour you want by using composition and functions.

    Way 5 - avoid polymorphism entirely

    This corresponds to the "open vs closed principle" in object oriented programming.

    Some times, the correct thing to do is actually to avoid polymorphism entirely. For example, consider how one might implement a singly-linked list in Java.

    abstract class List<T> {
        public abstract bool is_empty();
        public abstract T head();
        public abstract List<T> tail();
        public int length() {
            return empty() ? 0 : 1 + tail().length();
    class EmptyList<T> {
        public bool is_empty() { 
            return true; 
        public T head() { 
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("can't take head of empty list"); 
        public List<T> tail() { 
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("can't take tail of empty list"); 
    class NonEmptyList<T> {
        private final T head;
        private final List<T> tail;
        public NonEmptyList(T head, List<T> tail) {
            this.head = head;
            this.tail = tail;
        public bool is_empty() { 
            return false; 
        public T head() { 
            return self.head; 
        public List<T> tail() { 
            return self.tail; 

    However, this is actually not a good model because you'd like there to only be two ways of constructing a list - the empty way, and the non-empty way. Haskell allows you to do this quite simply. The analogous Haskell code is

    data List t = EmptyList | NonEmptyList t (List t)
    empty :: List t -> Bool
    empty EmptyList = True
    empty (NonEmptyList t listT) = False
    head :: List t -> t
    head EmptyList = error "can't take head of empty list"
    head (NonEmptyList t listT) = t
    tail :: List t -> List t
    tail EmptyList = error "can't take tail of empty list"
    tail (NonEmptyList t listT) = listT
    length list = if empty list then 0 else 1 + length (tail list)

    Of course, in Haskell we try to avoid functions that are "partial" - we try to make sure that every function always returns a value. So you won't see many Haskellers actually using the "head" and "tail" functions for precisely this reason - they sometimes error out. You'd instead see length defined by

    length EmptyList = 0
    length (NonEmptyList t listT) = 1 + length listT

    using pattern-matching.

    This feature of functional programming languages is called "algebraic data types". It's incredibly useful.

    Hopefully, I've convinced you that not only does functional programming allow you to implement many object-oriented design patterns, it can actually allow you to express the same ideas in much more succinct and obvious forms.