I want to know what is wrong with my diagrams? please help me through the following diagram:
There are a couple of issues here:
. If this is missing, one could understand that nothing would ever happen. While this could be debated (see comments) it’s best to avoid ambiguity.Confirm placement seekers
form has two outgoing edges. This is not illegal, but only one target may accept it at a time and the UML semantics do not define which one. If you want both target actions to happen, you should add a fork node (and later a join node to synchronize the parallel flows). If you want only one, then avoid the ambiguity by using a decision node in-between.Receive confirmation notification
has no outgoing edge. This is not illegal and is similar to and is similar to a flow final situation. Nevertheless this might raise the question if something was forgotten; the systematic use of a flow-final or activity end node is less ambiguous for the reader. Therefore, if this was a parallel flow, you'd need this one to have an edge either to a flow final node (to consume the token and end this parallel branch) or to the join node mentioned above, before continuing and reaching the activity final node. If this an alternative flow, then you should add an edge to an activity final node.