I wish to enable a special index, called Sectors, for a attribute ('sectors') of my Dexterity based custom content-type.
In my schema, inside types/mycontent.py I have:
class IMyContent(form.Schema):
My Content
sectors = schema.Set(
description=_(u"Select some sectors"),
I then define the index in this way, inside indexers.py
from plone.indexer.decorator import indexer
from zr.content.types.mycontent import IMyContent
def Sectors(obj):
"""Indexer for Sectors attribute.
d = getattr(obj, "sectors", u"")
return d if d else None
Finally in the root package configure.zcml:
<adapter name="Sectors" factory=".indexers.Sectors"/>
However, it does not seem to work. Even after reinstalling the product, I don't see the index in portal_catalog and catalog brain object do not seem to have it either.
What am I doing wrong?
You aren't defining the catalogue index. This will just make the indexer available to be added. You require a catalog.xml in your GenericSetup profile with:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="portal_catalog" meta_type="Plone Catalog Tool">
<index name="Sectors" meta_type="KeywordIndex">
<indexed_attr value="Sectors"/>